My story
Bien-être & sourire pour rayonner
Very young I liked to take care of my loved ones, to make them happy, to be attentive with them. I liked to prepare small dishes, or bringing breakfast in bed to my parents, doing my granny when I was going on vacation... Make their smile, their well-being make their face shine a little more.
This benevolence has never left me regardless of the different backgrounds that have built my professional career.
Le massage vers une pleine santé
A few years ago, health concerns created major upheavals in my life... and the desire to completely change my universe. I started to interest me to naturopathy, vegetable & living food and everything related to well-being. At that time I had a seizure awareness the importance of meditation, breathing, the relationship with nature in one's daily life, but also massage. Although it is not always enough taken into account the massage however contributes in an important way to the full health. When I discovered the kobido, I was immediately seduced. Although it is practiced on the face mainly to enhance its beauty, it is incredibly revitalizing and a vector of health for the body as a whole.
Le kobido, un art, une philosophie
Today the hygiene of life has become a passion, a philosophy of life in which I have integrated what I like to do: bring Well-being, care, listening & appeasement as well what beauty. This is all that Kobido, this ancestral Japanese art, allows me to bring and I like to compare itto a dance choreography so much the gestures are graceful, neat, rigorous sometimes airy; sometimes more intense.
Institute Sandrine Takumi-Finch

My training
A human adventure
The adventure began with the first phone appointment with Sandrine. Very attentive, she was interested in the person I was, my projects, my philosophy of life... The discussions immediately made me feel a very human side and the certainty that the Takumi Finch Institute was going to give me a quality education, in the fundamentals and the Japanese rigor.
Benevolence & generosity
I confess to having shed a few tears during this interview because I felt very beautiful energies and my heart was filled with enthusiasm and impatience!
And it was then to Bordeaux that I went to follow the different modules that combine practice & theory. It is with the greatest kindness and a lot of generosity that Sandrine passed on her precious knowledge to me.
Precision, rigor & intention
Coming from the scientific world, but also a therapist & lecturer, she brings together all her areas of expertise to provide training where the requirement of gestures as well as the understanding of each movement in its intention are essential.